make fun, cheerful work
for fun, cheerful people.
Hi, I'm Sean - a freelance graphic artist with over 18 years of industry experience working in ad agencies, design and print shops from Calgary to Halifax.
In 2020 I decided to branch out on my own and I now run Classic Graphic from my home in Dayspring, Nova Scotia - a stone's throw from my lovely old hometown of Lunenburg.
I'm at my best working in print design, marketing, poster art, logos and illustration.

From classic cars to vintage video games - I'm inspired by the simplicity and straightforward design of all things obsolete, antique... - classic! In my work I love to find a bold, simple graphic solution to a design problem but I try to incorporate a sense of balance and order in even the most chaotic compositions.
I believe the best results come from a design process that is honest, casual and fun - that's the experience I aim to deliver for my clients. If you've got a project in mind you think I'd be a good fit for, please reach out for a chat or a coffee and we'll get the ball rolling. Thank you for visiting.